Epidemiological calculator- EpiCalc 2000


  • EpiCalc is statistical calculator that works with pre-tabulated data.
  • Some of the functions available in EpiCalc will be of general use but they have been chosen to be of interest to persons working with data from a public health or epidemiological context.
  • EpiCalc was designed and written by Joseph Gilman and Mark Myatt of Brixton Health and is in the public domain.
  • EpiCalc is currently in version 1.02 (which fixed a series of minor bugs in earlier versions of the program) and is being developed on an occasional basis.
  • EpiCalc functions and references:
  • EpiCalc’s statistical functions are split into five main categories. These are,
    • Describe - Descriptive functions
    • Compare - Comparison functions
    • Tables - Analyzing tabular data
    • Sample - Sample size calculations and random number tables
    • Probalility - Repalcements for statistical tables
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 6:01 AM