In India, the Project Directorate on Animal Disease Monitoring And Surveillance (PD_ADMAS) was established in 1987 by the ICAR to develop a system of disease monitoring and surveillance of economically important livestock diseases in the country, with a view to evolve strategic control measures.
The magnitude of livestock diseases affecting the huge and varied livestock population maintained in different geo - agro-climatic zones and poor sanitary conditions demands in depth epidemiological investigation. Presently, the disease reporting, monitoring and surveillance of livestock diseases are inadequate, slow and not particularly useful in the control of diseases.
In this direction, PD_ADMAS has made significant progress in developing short and long term disease and related databases and disease forecasting models using logistic, multiple regression and time series techniques. In addition, weather based forecasting models for endemic diseases have also been developed.
The advances in information technology provide adequate computing techniques to develop a national livestock disease information system which is the prime need of the day.
PD_ADMAS has developed an innovative india.admasEpitrak epidemiology software which is a dynamic and interactive livestock disease relational database supported by Geographic Information System (GIS).
This software addresses the needs of data collection, retrieval, analysis and critical reporting of disease events as and when they occur and is useful for students and vet colleges, field veterinarians, administrators and technocrats.
Last modified: Monday, 2 August 2010, 7:50 AM