Activities of Health Centers


Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Tamilnadu


Activities of Health Sub Centres in Tamilnadu

  • Peripheral most unit available at the Village level to take care of the Health needs of the community.
  • A Health Sub centre covers a population of 5000 in plain areas and 3000 in Hilly and difficult terrains. All Primary Health Care Services are being provided at the door steps of the community.
  • Each Health sub centre is manned by a pair of Health Workers.
  • The Female Worker (VHN) takes care of MCH activities, including Immunization.
  • The male worker is responsible to control of Communicable Diseases, Checking of Births and Deaths Registration, Health Education, Surveillance, etc.
  • All pregnant women are registered by the Village Health Nurses at the earliest stage of pregnancy and given Antenatal care.
  • Antenatal care includes two doses of Tetanus Toxoid Injections and distribution of 100 tablets of Ferrous Sulphate Tablets (FST).
  • Pregnancy complications, if any are referred to higher Medical Institutions like Taluk Hospitals and District hospitals.
  • Deliveries are conducted in Health Sub centres.
  • The Health Sub centre area is divided into 4 units and on every Wednesday, Immunization sessions are organised in one unit, thereby covering the entire area in a month.
  • Village Health nurses provide information on MTP services and are issuing contraceptive tablets, etc. for postponement of next pregnancy.
  • Village Health Nurses provide information on sterilization and IUD insertion is done by her.
  • The Village Health Nurses guide the local Dais and help them in early identification of maternal complicated cases and conduct deliveries under aseptic conditions.
  • The HSC provides medicine for minor ailments like cold, fever, diarrhoea, etc.
  • The male worker visits the Village and takes blood smear to detect malaria.
  • Sputums are collected from chronic patients of cough and sent to Primary Health Centres, for examination. If found positive for tuberculosis, treatment is arranged through Primary Health Centres.
  • Chlorination of water sources and disinfection of affected houses, during diarrhoea are done by the male worker.
  • Identifying cases of leprosy and treat them.
  • Male health workers make festival arrangements and investigate food poisoning and counsel on food hygiene.
  • Male health workers motivate for family planning and distribute condoms.


  • Immunisation against six vaccine Preventable diseases was started in 1978.

Table: Immunization schedule




BCG and Zero Polio

At birth or within 15 days

Intradermal - BCG Oral - OPV

DPT, Hep.B and OPV

6th week

10th week

14th week

Intramuscular – DPT , Hep.B Oral – OPV


9th month (after completion of 270 days)


DPT booster and OPV

16-24 months

Intramuscular - DPT Oral - OPV


5 year



Pregnant mother - 2 doses with one month interval.

10 and 16 year children - 1 dose


Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 6:32 AM