Course overview
The autonomic nervous system largely functions below the level of conciousness and controls visceral functions. By viewing this e-learning content a student will get comprehensive idea about the nerve supply to various organs and its functions and the drugs acting on them specifically stimulating / modulating / blocking the effects.
A knowledge about skeletal muscle relaxants that act peripherally at the neuromuscular junction or muscle fibre itself or centrally in the cerebrospinal axis to reduce the muscle tone and cause paralysis.
An array of local anaesthetics which upon topical application or local injection cause reversible loss of sensory perception.
A bird's eye view about general anesthetics which causes reversible loss of all sensations and loss of conciousness.
The major involvement of various autacoids in the physiological and pathological role in inflammatory process.
Last modified: Monday, 14 May 2012, 12:24 PM