1. Indicate two important field conditions of poor aeration.
    Answer: a. High moisture content, b. Slow exchange of gases between soil and atmosphere.

    2. Name the two important processes of gaseous exchange between the soil and the atmosphere.
    Answer: A. Maas flow b. Diffusion

    3. Give the equation to dtermine ODR of a soil.
    Answer: ODR = Mi/ nFA
    Where M is molecular wt of O2
    N is the number of electrons involved in reduction of one molecule of O2
    F is Faraday constant
    i is current in amperes
    A is exposed surface (m2) of electrode

    4. Insufficient aeration leads to development of _____________ of gram and _____________ of citrus.
    Wilt of gram
    Dieback of citrus

    5. What is meant by ODR?
    Answer: ODR (oxygen diffusion rate) is the rate at which O2 in soil air is replenished.

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 4:50 AM