Clinical uses


  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Stress ulcers and gastritis
  • Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Prophylaxis of aspiration pneumonia
  • Certain cases of urticaria with H1 antagonists.

Ranitidine is 5 times more potent than cimetidine,no antiandrogenic action,lesser permeability into brain, do not inhibit hepatatic metabolism of other drugs

Famotidine exhibits longer duration of action,8 times more potent than ranitidine, no antiandrogenic action,because of higher potency and longer duration of action is considered more suitable for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and for prevention of aspiration pneumonia.

Roxatidine is twice potent and longer action than ranitidine.

Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 8:09 AM