

  • The latex agglutination test is a laboratory method to check for certain antibodies or antigens in a variety of bodily fluids including saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or blood. In latex agglutination, an antibody (or antigen) is coated on the surface of latex particles which is known as sensitized latex. When a sample containing the specific antigen (or antibody) is mixed with the milky-appearing sensitized latex, it causes visible agglutination. This test is a quick way to determine the absence or presence of an antigen or antibody. A positive reaction causes the beads to clump together. The bead clumps can be seen with the naked eye. A negative reaction leaves the latex beads in solution and looks like a milky swirl. It is simple and quick to perform and least laboratory facilities. It gives high sensitivity and high specificity. This method is user friendly.
Last modified: Tuesday, 29 March 2011, 11:33 AM