Materials to be collected
Defibrinated or citrated blood at the height of temperature on ice, lymph glands and spleen on ice. Intestinal lesions, lymph nodes in 10% formal saline (Materials should never be collected in 50% buffered glycerine)
Foot and mouth disease
Vesicular fluid in transport medium, vesicular epithelium from fresh lesions in foot and mouth viz. tongue, gum, dental pad lesions in 50% buffered glycerine
Mucosal disease and Bovine viral diarrhoea
Defibrinated and citrated blood at the peak of temperature and lesions from mouth, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, liver and kidney in 50% buffered saline
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginits
Nasal, conjunctival and genital, swabs and foetal tissues in transport medium (Hank’s medium), paired serum samples. Affected trachea, turbinate bones, foetal tissues etc. in 10% formal saline and in transport medium
Cow pox
Skin scrapings and vesicular fluid in transport medium (Hank’s medium)
Bovine malignant catarrhal fever
Citrated or defibrinated blood, lymph nodes of head, neck, pieces of liver, spleen on ice. Pieces of brain, liver, spleen, kidney, adrenals, nasal mucosa in 10% formalin
Ephemeral fever
Heparinized, citrated or defrinated blood on ice, paired sera samples
Influenza and para-influenza
Nasal swabs in Hank’s medium and paired serum samples
As given in canines
Ovine and Caprine
As in bovines
Nasal swabs, tongue epithelium in Hank’s medium, paired sera samples, citrated blood etc.
Louping ill (encephalomyelitis)
Citrated blood at height of temperature on ice, paired sera samples, brain in 50% buffered glycerine
Visna and maedi
Citrated blood, cerebrospinal fluid and saliva in Hank’s medium, brain, lungs and spleen in 50 % glycerine saline
African horse sickness
Citrated blood at height of temperature on ice, paired sera samples, spleen, lymph nodes, brain on ice
Equine Herpes virus –I
Nasal, vaginal, conjunctical swabs, aborted material from foetus in Hank’s medium, paired sera samples
As in Bovines
Equine encephalomyelitis
Citrated blood, brain on ice, paired sera samples
Equine infectious anemia
Serum, whole blood on ice
As in canines
Half of the brain in 50% glycerine saline on ice packed carefully sent through courier. Brain fixed in 10% formalin, smear of brain tissue fixed in methyl alcohol
Infectious canine Hepatitis
Lung, liver, kidney and urinary bladder in transport media and 10 % formalin. Paired sera samples
Canine distemper
Conjunctival swabs and scrapings from gums in Hank’s medium, gum smears on slides, pieces of lung, liver, bladder, trachea, stomach in Hank’s medium and in 10% formalin
Canine parvo virus
Pieces of liver, spleen, intestines, stomach, mesenteric lymph nodes in 50% glycerine saline
Swine fever
Citrated blood, pancreas, half brain, tonsils, spleen, lymph nodes on ice and 50% glycerine saline and 10% formalin
Viral pneumonia
Pleural exudates in Hank’s medium, lungs, mediastinal lymph nodes on ice and 10% formalin
Vesicular exanthema and vesicular stomatitis
Vesicular fluids, tissues from snout, lips, foot pad lesions in Hank’s medium on ice
Rabies, Aujesky’s disease and Teschen disease
Duplicate specimen of brain, spinal cord, spleen, and p[ortion of faeces on ice and 10 % formalin saline. Blood serum
Swine influenza
Nasal swabs and lung tracheal tissues on ice
Infectious Bronchitis/infectious laryngotracheitis
Whole bird or duplicate portion of trachea, lung and kidney on ice and 10% formalin
Avian encephalitis
Whole bird, bursa, spleen, and thymus on ice
Newcastle disease
Whole bird or brain, spleen, liver, caecal tonsils, intestines in 50% glycerine, serum samples from acute and convalescent cases
Fowl pox
Comb, skin, eyelids with scabs in 10 % formal saline. Scabs and pustules in 50 % glycerine saline
Marek’s disease
Affected bird, peripheral nerves, brain, ovary, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, heart in 10 % formal saline. Skin and feather in 10 % formal saline. Skin and feather tips from crural region as such
Gumboro disease
Whole bird, bursa, spleen and thymus on ice