6.1.1 Shape and size

6.1.1 Shape and size

Cold stores can be divided according to construction into single-storey and multi-storey buildings. They can be used as production stores, bulk stores, distribution stores or retail stores. For a long time, the most appropriate shape was a cube for which the ratio of surface to volume is a minimum. This resulted in multi-storey buildings, with a number of disadvantages, e.g., costly foundations, heavy framework, congested handling areas.

The main considerations which have resulted in the appearance and success of single-storey buildings are cost reduction together with mechanized handling techniques.

A single-storey cold store can be easily designed to meet the specific requirements of stacking and handling equipment. Wall and roof constructions can be made lighter as they do not have to support the weight of the product stored, as in a multi-storey building. The main disadvantages are the relatively large ground area covered and the high ratio of surface to volume. The advantages however, normally override the disadvantages.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 11:41 AM