Raw material

Raw material

Prawns belonging to the families Penaeidae, Pandalidae and Palemonidae are used. 

Pre-Process Handling:

Prawns are separated it from other fish and sorted species wise, and if possible sizewise. Then they are washed well in potable water and  Iced immediately, stocked in insulated boxes in alternate layers of ice and prawn. Only clean crushed/flake ice made from potable water is used and height of the iced pack shall not exceed 50cm.

Handling for processing:

Prawn is further handled according to the type of pack desired.

1. Whole prawns : Prawns are sorted size wise,discoloured and bruised pieces are discarded. Only absolutely fresh quality material  is used for this type of pack. Uniform sized prawn (as per the declared size grade) in metal pans or in a polythene lined (optional) waxed duplex carton are packed. Prawns are packed in a parallel style and cross packing is not done. Weight of packed prawn shall be as per the agreement between the buyer and processor. Ice cold glaze water is added to the pack if needed. Potable water chlorinated at 5ppm level is used during packing.

2. Headless: Head is removed and Washed well. Discoloured, bruised or soft-shelled pieces are discarded. Uniform pieces are packed in metal pans or in waxed duplex cartons, in a parallel style. Cross packing is not allowed and  ice cold glaze water may be is added if required.

1. Fantail Round: Procedure is proceed it as per headless pack. Head portion and shell are removed except on the last segment. The tail is left intact.

2. Fantail Deveined: The procedure is followed as per the procedure in case of  fantail round; but peeling not done on the last segment. The alimentary canal is removed.

3. Butterfly: Procedure is followed as per fantail deveined, but splits made open the meat from the dorsal side and the prawns are arranged in the required pattern.

4. Raw peeled or peeled undeveined: Head is removed, shell and tail are  removed completely. Then washed well in water chlorinated at 10ppm level.  Uniform sized (as per the declared size grade) prawns are packed in polythene-lined (optional) duplex cartons. Ice cold glaze water is added it as required.

5. Peeled and deveined: Procedure followed as for raw peeled; but remove the alimentary canal is removed completely from the meat.

6. Cooked and peeled: Prawns are  immersed  in boiling brine 7-10% (w/v) for 7 minutes. Taken out from brine and cool immediately in ice cold water containing 3-5% salt and chlorinated at 2 ppm level. Proceeded  further as in the other types.

7. Peeled and cooked: Head, shell and tai are removed and washed thoroughly in potable water. Immersed in boiling brine 3-5% (w/v) for 2-3 minutes. Prawns are taken out from brine and cooled immediately in ice cold water chlorinated at 2 ppm level. Procedure is further  proceeded it as for cooked and peeled prawns.

8. Peeled, Deveined and cooked: The procedure is as followed for peeled and cooked prawns; but the meat is deveined before cooking.

9. Whole cooked: Only absolutely good quality material is used for this pack. Whole - undamaged prawn is thoroughly washed in potable water. Cooked in boiling brine of 10% (w/v) concentration for 7 minutes. Taken out from brine and cooled immediately in ice cold water chlorinated at 2 ppm level. Proceeded further as for whole prawns frozen.


Prawns are frozen in cartons in an appropriate type freezer maintained at –40oC till the core temperature reaches –23oC.


Frozen blocksare glazed, if necessary by dipping in ice cold water chlorinated at 5 ppm. 

Packing in cartons:

The product is packed in cartons as per declared weight in waxed corrugated fibre board master cartons.


Cartons are stored in cold store maintained at –23oC or lower.

Last modified: Sunday, 25 December 2011, 5:52 AM