8.2.2 Fishing without gear

8.2.2 Fishing without gear

Hand Gathering

This is the simplest method used in both freshwater and marine environment. It is mainly done in shallow waters; particularly hill-streams, shallow channels, intertidal zone, lagoon, mangroves etc. In hill streams an isolated channel is dammed by putting the stones and then the flow is diverted to the other side. The fishes trapped in the dammed area are then picked up by hand. Generally, these fishes are not of much economic importance. Poor villagers or tribals usually adopt these tactics. In the intertidal zones, fishers mainly fisherwomen gather gastropods, clams, oysters, mussels, seagrasses, seaweeds etc. In the estuaries, they collect young ones of penaeid and non-penaeid shrimps. Sometimes they collect even marine ornamental fishes in the shallow waters. Molluscan shells are sold for making lime and for ornamental use. Seaweeds are used for preparing agar, algin and carrageenan.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 10:57 AM