

  • It refers to removal of plant part like bud, shoot, root etc.. to strike a balance between vegetative growth and production.
  • This may also be done to adjust fruit load on the tree.


  1. To control plant size and form.
  2. For plant performance like
    1. Establishment of transplant where leaves/shoots are pruned to strike a balance between root and shoot so that plants lose less water against restricted root system lost during lifting of plants.
    2. Improvement in productivity and quality by regulating the load of the crop and extent of flowering.
    3. For flower and fruit quality.
    4. Elimination of non-productive vegetative growth like water sprouts, suckers, dead and diseased wood.
    5. In case of forest trees production of knot free timber.
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 December 2011, 9:15 AM