Layer management


Layers in cages

Points to be considered during layer management are,

  • Proper cleaning and disinfection of layer house.
  • Provide proper floor space, feeding space and watering space both in deep-litter and cage system
  • In deep-litter system, floor space of 2 sq.ft. per bird and feeding space of 5” per bird are provided
  • In cage system 3 birds/box of 18” x 15” cage floor space is provided (0.63 sq. ft per bird)
  • 6 feet linear feeder can be used for every 30 layers or 18” diameter circular feeder of 4-5 no for every 100 birds.
  • Provide 18” diameter plastic waterer of 2 numbers for every 100 birds.
  • Spread litter material, in case of deep-litter system up to 6” thickness.
  • Arrange feeder and waterer in the poultry house to the height of birds’ back.
  • Grill size may be changed according to the size of the birds head.
  • Provide nest box for every 5 layers about a week before the first egg is laid.

Nest boxes

  • There are three types of nest:
    • Individual nest – One nest box is sufficient for 4-5 birds.
    • Community nest – This will accommodate 50-60 birds.
    • Trap nest – This will accommodate 1 bird at a time and is used for academic and breeding studies.
  • The nest should be provided with litter material. The litter material has to be replaced at least once in a week to prevent contamination of the eggs.
  • During night hours the nest should be closed to prevent sitting of birds in the nest.
  • In deep-litter system, the litter material should be racked in the evening daily after egg collection is over.
  • The litter should be treated chemically at least once in a month or whenever necessary in case of wet litter problem to prevent ammonia emission in the house.
  • Provide 16 hours light during laying period.
  • Provide well-balanced layer mash. Phase feeding may be followed for layers according to age, level of production and climatic factors.
  • The average feed consumption during laying period ranges from 100-110 gram.
  • Feed consumption during winter increases and during summer, feed consumption decreases.
  • Summer and winter management should be followed for better flock percentages.
  • Deworming should be done regularly at an interval of 6-8 weeks depending on the worm load, especially when reared under deep-litter system.
  • Collect the eggs at least 5 times a day in deep-litter system and twice a day in cage system.
  • Cull the unproductive layers regularly.
  • Broody hen may be separated and this broodiness may be eliminated by,
    • Providing diet containing more protein, vitamin and minerals.
    • Light may be provided throughout night.
    • Birds may be placed in cages
    • Birds may be subjected to stress
    • Liver stimulant may be provided.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 6:10 AM