Test for Glucose
Benedict’s test
This test is for the detection of reducing sugars (Glucose).
Take 2.5 ml of Benedict’s qualitative reagent in a test tube
Add 4 drops of urine, boil for 2 minutes and then cool.
If glucose is present, gradually a precipitate with green, yellow, orange or brick red colors may be formed depending on the concentration of glucose present.
Interpretation - Glycosuria
- Emotional stress
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hyperthyroidism
- Acute and chronic pancreatic necrosis
- Hyperpituitarism
- Overactivity of adrenal cortex
- Shock
- Chronic liver disease
- Enterotoxaemia in sheep
- Brain tumors
- Rabies
False positive reaction for glucose can occur if other reducing agents like antibiotics, lactose, ascorbic acid, salicylates, morphine, formaldehyde and uric acid are present.
Last modified: Thursday, 1 December 2011, 7:08 AM