Lateral Deviation of Head


  • Deviations of head and neck are common types of abnormal posture in anterior presentation causing dystokia in all species.
  • In swine because the neck is so short this type of dystocia is very rare.

Lateral deviation of head

  • The head may be displaced to either side and this constitutes one of the commonest type of dystocia.                   

Lateral deviation of head


  • In cow, this condition is easily diagnosed by finding the two fore limbs in the birth canal but not the head.
  • By passing the hand  along side the fetal body as far as possible and then carrying it around the body, the head and neck are found and the direction of the deviation determined.
  • In mare this may be more difficult because the head is usually out of reach of the hand.
  • By locating the withers, mane and trachea of fetus these may be followed to the left or right.


  • If the bovine fetus is alive, the deviation may be corrected with least amount of difficulty.
  • This is performed under epidural anesthesia with the animal standing.
  • If the animal is down it should be placed in lateral recumbency with rear parts higher, the with the fetal head in the upper flank of the dam above the fetal body.
  • In mare protracted cases of head displacement with greater loss of fetal fluid, fluid substitute renders the calf mare buoyant.
  • The fetus is repelled by pussing forwards at the base of its neck.
  • The hand is then quickly transferred to the muzzle of the calf, which is firmly grasped and brought in line with the birth canal.
  • The incisor teeth should be guarded to prevent laceration of the uterus

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  • In a more inaccessible case the mandibular snare is applied. care should be taken to apply the snare below the tounge and traction is applied to bring the head in line with the birth canal.

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  • Alternatively a head snare is applied and the fore limb are now affixed and traction synchronously applied with the cows expulsive effects, to delivery.

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  • If mutation fails because the fetus is emphysematous or because the uterine wall is contracted tightly around the fetus fetotomy and amputatin of the head and neck is indicated.
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 11:24 AM