Hip Flexion -Breech Presentation


  • The rear limbs are completely extended beneath the foetus. Usually both hind legs are retained in the uterus than unilaterial retention
  • On vaginal examination the buttocks and tail are in the pelvic cavity and occasionally the tip of the tail is hanging from the vulva. In many cases no part of the limb can be reached until the buttocks are repelled cranially out of the pelvic inlet.

Bilateral hip flexion - Breech presentation


  • The aim of the treatment is to convert the condition into one of the hock flexion posture.
  • The manipulative procedure is to repel the calf perineum forwards and upwards with a view to bring the retained limbs within reach, by grasping the cranial aspect of the tibia with the hand or pass a snare around the tibia and pull the fetal leg back into hock flexion posture. Now the hock flexion can be relieved as described previously.

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Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 7:18 AM