Technical Aspects


  • The technical analysis concerns the project inputs (supplies) and outputs (production) of real goods and services. It is mostly concerned with the standard and other qualitative aspects of the product.
  • The technical analysis will examine the possible technical relations in a proposed livestock project: the climate in the region of the project and their potential for livestock production, the availability of water, both natural (rainfall, and its distribution) and supplied (the possibilities for developing irrigation, with its associated drainage works); the livestock species suited to the area; the production supplies and their availability; the potential and desirability of mechanization; and diseases prevalent in the area and the kinds of vaccination that will be needed. On the basis of these and similar considerations, the technical analysis will determine the potential yields from the livestock, the coefficients of production, and the possibilities for further expansion. The technical analysis will also examine the marketing and storage facilities required for the successful operation of the project, and the processing systems that will be needed.
  • It is extremely important, and the project framework must be defined clearly enough to permit the technical analysis to be thorough and precise.
  • The other aspects of project analysis can only proceed in light of the technical analysis.
  • Good technical staffs are essential for this work; they may be drawn from consulting firms or technical assistance agencies abroad.
Last modified: Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 9:15 AM