The term 'University Extension' or Extension of the university was first commonly used in 'Britain' in 1940 and it was incorporated by the 'Royal Commission' in oxford university and colleges (1952), During 1967-68, this practical steps were taken by 'James start' who gave lectures to different men and women's club. Later he appealed to the Cambridge University to start and organize centers for extension lecture: Hence he was considered as the father of university extension,
During the year 1914, the congress of USA passed the Smith-Lever Act, creating a nation-wide "co-operative so called because it is a co-operative arrangement between the Government, the land grant colleges and the people.
Extension in India, as a nation-wide organization, aiming at the integrated de development of rural India was started during the year 1952-1953 when community development project was initiated in 55 blocks by Government of India
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 5:35 AM