

  • Testosterone is a steroid hormone soluble in oil and alcohol but not in water.
  • Acetate is converted to cholesterol which in turn is converted to progesterone – androstenedione – testosterone (16 times more active than androstenedione in bulls).

Functions of Testosterone

  • Sexual differentiation of external male genetalia and descent of the testes into scrotum in fetuses or neonates.
  • Keratinization of the preputial epithelium, separation of glans penis from prepuce, growth of the penis and prepuce at puberty.
  • Growth and maintenance of accessory sex glands.
  • Sexual desire or libido, ability for normal erection and ejaculation.
  • Secondary sexual characteristics like hair or horn growth, male attitudes, voice, increased bone thickness, increased muscle tissue with different distribution of fat from female.
  • Maintenance of secretory and absorptive activities and structure of efferent ducts, epididymis and ductus deferens including ampulla.
  • Spermiogenesis – development and maturation of spermatids and spermatozoa.

In stallion the androstenedione is the major androgen.

Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 10:58 AM