The mare is restrained by hobbles, backed against baled hay or a board wall or put in a breeding chute to protect the inseminator.
The mare should be suitably restrained after bandaging the mare’s tail with sterile gauze or a bandage.
The buttocks, perineal region and external genitalia are thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water and then wiped and rinsed with clear water.
The operator inserts his left hand, which is encased in a plastic sleeve-lightly lubricated with water –soluble, non-spermicidal lubricating jelly into the vagina and the index finger is inserted into the cervix.
Inseminating catheter is guided into the uterus to deposit 20-50ml of raw (or) extended semen.
Possible entry of air into vagina should be prevented on withdrawal of the arm.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:35 AM