

  • Epididymis is a single, torturous, coiled tubule starting from the proximal portion of the testis.
  • It consists of three anatomic parts - Head (Caput), Body (Corpus) and Tail (Cauda).
  • It is responsible for nutrition, maturation, transport and storage of spermatozoa.
  • The tail of the epididymis acts as a reservoir of fully mature sperm and becomes turgid with stored sperm in sexually active animals.
  • Epididymis consists of three anatomic parts; the head, body and tail.
  • The epididymis should be carefully palpated with hands during breeding soundness examination.
  • Attention should be given to alterations in their size, form and consistency.
  • Gross alterations in the epididymis are fairly rare.
  • Hypoplasia / aplasia may occur - heritable, affected bulls should be classified as unsatisfactory potential breeders.
  • Head of the epididymis should be carefully palpated for nodular enlargement indicating sperm granulomas, which may cause occlusion of the epididymal duct.
  • Affected bulls should be rejected for breeding purpose.
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 2:22 PM