

Acrosome cap is formed from golgi apparatus. It contains the enzymes essential for penetrating the oocyte.

  • Acrosome a cap like structure on the head of the spermatozoa covers 60% of the anterior portion of the sperm head.
  • The morphology of the acrosome should be maintained for the sperm to undergo capacitation and acrosome reaction in the female reproductive tract for attaining fertilizing ability.
  • Appreciable modifications to the structure of the plasma membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane follow after capacitation has run its course, in the form of acrosome reaction.
  • Acrosome reaction consists of fusion at multiple points between the two membranes and formation of vesicles made up of fragments of two membranes.
  • The sperm must be able to undergo these changes in the female reproductive tract to attain fertilizing ability by release of specific enzymes.
  • The subcellular enzymes present in the acrosome facilitate dissolution and penetration of the zona by the spermatozoa which will leads to the union of male and female nucleus.
  • For this to happen the acrosome should be intact. Maintenance of optimum fertility depends on the acrosome being structurally and biochemically intact.
  • Acrosome can be detached from sperm under the influence of different physical and chemical factors.
  • Freezing and thawing can also bring about damage to the acrosome.
  • Hence the acrosomal cap has received considerable attention in sperm morphology due to its importance during fertilization.
  • Any damage or loss of the acrosome leads to infertility or sterility problem. Hence the evaluation of the acrosomal status gets importance.
  • The acrosome is evaluated by the Giemsa stain.


Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 12:14 PM