

Vasectomy - A surgical procedure in which the vas deferens is severed and then tied which prevents the sperm from entering into ejaculate.


  • Used to identify cows in heat
  • Can be used as teaser bull


  • On the posterior aspect of the neck of the scrotum, a little lateral to the median line or
  • On the anterior aspect of the neck of the scrotum, a little lateral to the median line or
  • On the lateral aspects of the neck of the scrotum.



  • Sedate the bull.
  • Place the animal in lateral recumbency.
  • Prepare the scrotum aseptically.
  • Infiltrate local anaesthetic solution locally into the skin and caudal aspect of the scrotum, dorsal to each testicle and into the spermatic cord.
  • Make a 2-3 cm incision on the skin and tunica dartos. Expose the spermatic cord along with tunica vaginalis.
  • Exteriorize the cord by incising the tunica vaginalis avoiding cremaster muscle.
  • Now the contents of spermatic cord will come out. Locate the hard cord like vas deferens in the spermatic cord.
  • Exteriorize it outside by pulling it with a forceps. Apply artery forceps over the vas deferens at 3-4 cms interval.
  • Ligate the vas deferens on either side of the artery forceps. Cut and remove the piece in between the ligated ends.
  • The scrotal skin is sutured.
  • Repeat the procedure on the other side.
  • Semen is collected and examined for spermatozoa once a week. By the end of third week it is completely free of sperms.


Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 4:04 AM