

    x– test for goodness of fit
    • A very powerful test for testing the significance of the discrepancy between theory and experiment was given by Prof. Karl Pearson in 1900 and is known as “chi-square test of goodness of fit “.

    • If 0i, (i=1,2,…..,n) is a set of observed (experimental frequencies) and Ei (i=1,2,…..,n) is the corresponding set of expected (theoretical or hypothetical) frequencies, then,
    • It follows a xdistribution with n-1 d.f. In case of xonly one tailed test is used
    • In plant genetics, our interest may be to test whether the observed segregation ratios deviate significantly from the mendelian ratios. In such situations we want to test the agreement between the observed and theoretical frequency, such test is called as test of goodness of fit.

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 6:54 PM