

    • Correlation is the study of relationship between two or more variables. Whenever we conduct any experiment we gather information on more related variables. When there are two related variables their joint distribution is known as bivariate normal distribution and if there are more than two variables their joint distribution is known as multivariate normal distribution.In case of bi-variate or multivariate normal distribution, we are interested in discovering and measuring the magnitude and direction of relationship between 2 or more variables. For this we use the tool known as correlation.

    • Suppose we have two continuous variables X and Y and if the change in X affects Y, the variables are said to be correlated. In other words, the systematic relationship between the variables is termed as correlation. When only 2 variables are involved the correlation is known as simple correlation and when more than 2 variables are involved the correlation is known as multiple correlation. When the variables move in the same direction, these variables are said to be correlated positively and if they move in the opposite direction they are said to be negatively correlated

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 9:29 PM