Tests Used

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 15 : Identification of Children With Hearing Impairment

Tests Used

The American speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) has given guidelines for hearing screening in 1993.

  • Case history.
  • Visual inspection of outer ear, ear canal and ear drum.
  • Pure tone audio logic hearing screening.
  • Tympanometry screening.
  • Play audiometry.
  • Speech audiometry: measures individual’s speech recognition threshold.
  • Electrophysiological measures of auditory function from the inner ear.
  • Evoked otoacoustic emissions--- inner ear.
  • Acoustic emmittance- middle ear.

Tests used for screening and assessment of hearing impairment include the following

  1. Infants
  2. Preschoolers
  3. School age
  4. Role of audiologist
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 10:10 AM