Tips for parents

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 23 : Neurobiological Disorders- ADHD

Tips for parents

  • Do not stop behavior. It will help for the moment, change behavior, it will help for a lifetime
  • Be very clear, about what behaviour is expected of your child and stay consistent with your response
  • Rules must be laid down at the beginning and adhered by everyone, adults, and children alike. It is important to play good role models
  • Make sure your expectations are reasonable. Accept your child's weaknesses and help him/her cope with it
  • Keep simple schedule as multi-tasking or remembering too many instructions may be hard on your child
  • Design the program so that your child experiences positives right at the start, then gradually increase the complexity
  • Provide more feedbacks, visual and verbal
  • Set short term rather than long term goals
Last modified: Friday, 13 April 2012, 10:40 AM