Arrangements of space and equipment

Creative Experiences for Children 2(1+1)

Lesson 10 : Creative Environments for Children- Physical Facilities

Arrangements of space and equipment

  • Children’s age and developmental levels: Approximately 40 to 60 sq feet per preschool child is recommended. Younger children require more free space than older children.
  • Supervision: A common technique is to divide the space up into interest centers (or activity areas) with limited numbers allowed at each center so a teacher can superwise them effectively.
  • Flexibility: Space should be kept flexible so as to add more concepts, additional equipment, supplies and interest centers according to the needs of children.
  • Traffic flow: With multiple activities in a room, space should be utilized in a proper manner to allow the traffic of children between activities. The placement of doors of equipment within the room determines how teachers and children move from one place to another. The flow of traffic should be planned so that the children safety is assured.
  • Personal Space: Having a place or compartment in cupboard to keep personal belongings, artwork and materials encourage a child’s developing sense of self.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 12:31 PM