Organization and supervision of space

Developmental assessment of Young children 4 (1+3)
Lesson 4:Environmental Assessment

Organization and supervision of space

Space must be organized and well defined according to use or functions. A defined activity area should have the following five attributes.

  • A specific location
  • Visible boundaries
  • Surfaces for both work and sitting
  • Adequate space for storing and displaying materials
  • Mood or personality
There are two procedures used for teacher supervision of activity areas. They are
  • Zone procedure

  • Man to Man procedure: In this procedure teachers are assigned a group of children and the group has to stay together at all times.


Organization and scheduling: It includes Organization and scheduling of activities. Teacher’s role in the programme is
  • Specific roles need to be assigned to adults and each adult needs to be aware of those roles.
  • Continuity of adults is important, especially for infants and toddlers as infants spend most of their with the same person each day.
  • Adults in the programme work together as a professional team.

Social aspects

Contingency experiences
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 5:40 AM