Need for ECE

Lesson 10: Early Childhood Education

Need for ECE

The children of today should be prepared for the extremely complex and quickly changing world of tomorrow. The citizens of tomorrow are to be equipped with intelligence and physical skills. The foundation for this must be laid in the ECE centers. Our nation’s future, prosperity, and strength depend on the way we build up the character and habits of our children.

Early Childhood Education is a prerequisite for the healthy, mental and emotional development of children. The rate of development of the child during this period is so fast that the child can be given more meaningful learning experiences.

If one’s childhood is well spent, well regulated and well organized, the better will he take up the responsibilities of a full grown citizen- Dr. Rajendra Prasad

  • A social and economic necessity: The provision of ECE is also a social and economic necessity in view of the fact that in case of mothers going for work, there is no one to take care of the small children at home. With more of nuclear families, there are no elder members at home to take care of the young ones. Therefore, ECE center can duly take up this role.
  • Taking care of the child’s needs: With increasing population, the cities are becoming over-crowded and slums are coming up in the vicinity of large cities. With the parents living in small apartments or in single rooms, there is no adequate space for the child to move about and participate in play and other outdoor activities. ECE centers can take care of the child’s needs with the provision of play and other facilities.
  • To provide enriched stimulating environment for optimum development of the child: Many parents due to illiteracy and ignorance are not aware of the importance of providing enriched stimulating environment during this period. The child needs materials which are appropriate to his size, ideas and feelings. He needs an understanding adult to help him to help himself, to explore manually and verbally, and to learn the lessons of life from both people and objects. The ECE centers provide suitable guidance and education to the parents to continue these learning experiences even at home level.
  • To provide company of peer group to develop social skills: During this period children develop social skills such as sharing, cooperation, healthy competition, identification and qualities of leadership. For this they need the company of peer group in ECE center.
  • Provides basic education for future growth and development: It is a foundation period for later development, any stimulation along these lines has its maximum effect during this period. ECE centers provide a suitable environment for optimum development of the child.
  • Promotes better adjustment to formal schooling: The child who gets ECE is likely to perform better in primary school because of his early training. He will adjust better and, therefore, the chances of his repeating grades or leaving the school will be minimized considerably.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 7:13 AM