Status of ECE during Post independence Period

Lesson 11: History of Early childhood education in India

Status of ECE during Post independence Period:

  • First five year plan (1951-1956): The first breakthrough in organizing services for the preschool child came with the establishment of CSWB(Central Social Welfare Board), which developed an extensive network of rural Balwadis.
  • Second five year plan (1956-1961): Provision for child welfare and education was made and efforts to popularize Balwadis were intensified.
  • Third five year plan (1961-1966): A national policy was formulated for the cause of Pre School Education and emphasis was laid on the improvement of the existing Balwadis and training facilities for Balsevikas.
  • Development during 1966-1969: The IAPE was formed in 1964. In 1966, the education commission gave suggestions for strengthening the preschool education. In 1969, the NCERT set up the department for Pre-primary and Primary education.
  • Fourth five year plan (1969-1974): Emphasis was on training of teachers evolving suitable teaching techniques, materials and guides and opening of Balwadis both in rural and urban areas.
  • Fifth five year plan (1974-1979): It had rural, urban and tribal areas as targets for the child welfare. A national policy resolution for children was introduced in 33 experimental areas, which provide services in an integrated manner for the age group 3 to 6 years. Later 117 ICDS projects were introduced during 1978-1980.
  • Sixth five year plan (1980-1985): Under the central sector scheme ECE programme was implemented by the state for the disadvantaged children.
  • Seventh five year plan (1986-1991): Voluntary efforts to undertake innovative experiments in respect of ECE was supported, experimentation for evolving low cost and content specific models were encouraged.
  • Eighth five year plan (1992-97): All the welfare activities were integrated with the main aim of early childhood development focusing on tribal people, scheduled caste, drought prone regions and urban slums.
  • Ninth five year plan (1997-2002): No special allocation and recommendations were made for development of ECE but all the existing programmes were strengthened. Provision of minimum basic needs was emphasized for the existing centers.
  • Tenth five year plan (2003-2007): Existing ECE programme were strengthened. Girl child education was given importance.
  • Eleventh five year plan (2007-2011): Existing ECE programmes were strengthened. It was decided that ECE should be attached to primary schools
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 7:19 AM