
Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 25 : Maintenance, Health and Safety in a child care center


  1. Creating a safe environment: Safe environment should be a top priority in any setting for groups of children. As children proceed, through various stages of development, they test their physical skills sometimes doing things that may be potentially harmful. All equipment and material both indoor and outdoors should allow children to develop their skills safely without any risk of injury. The director should have a thorough knowledge of how to create a safe environment. In addition, teachers should be trained to be alert to potential hazards and how to prevent injuries to children. Prevention measures should be taken by weekly checking of both class rooms and play ground. Arrange for repair of any equipment that needs it and remove any that cannot be repaired.

  2. First aid: Every school should have at least one major well stocked and freshly required first aid kit. There should be at least one adult who has taken first aid training permanently affix a list of emergency phone numbers for fire, police and utilities like first aid kit. The school physician’s phone number should be readily available. Nearest hospital phone number should be displayed. All the information should be centralized so that the staff can deal with emergencies.

  3. Accident Management: Develop a standard procedure for managing any accidents that happen at school or when children are in transit
    • Each child’s file should contain a form signed by the parent
    • Have a standard form on which pertinent accident information can be recorded. Complete it as soon as possible after the accident
    • Take the child to the nearest hospital as required by the nature of the accident
    • Telephone the parents as soon as possible
    • If the injury seems minor and does not require emergency care, the parents should still be notified

  4. Disaster Management:Preparation for disasters such as fire, flood, earth quake should be made before any children enter a child care facility. Every staff member must be familiar with procedures for evacuating children or moving them to safe places in the building. Fire alarms, fire extinguishers and emergency exit lights should be clearly visible and checked regularly. Designate one staff person to summon emergency help and see that the building has been completely emptied. That person will also contact parents.

  5. Transportation: Considerable measures should be observed when transporting the children by car or bus. This is especially important when child care centers provide a pick up service. Even schools that do not offer transport occasionally take children on field trips.

The driver of any vehicle must be properly licensed. The person should also be responsible and able to manage a group of children. Parents should know the person who transports their children to school in order to feel more confident. Maintenance of all vehicles used for children is extremely important. Place a fire extinguisher near the driver so that it is easily available when needed.

Last modified: Thursday, 9 February 2012, 10:58 AM