Responsibilities to co-workers

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 32 : Ethical issues – Ethical responsibilities to colleagues and community and society

Responsibilities to co-workers

The entreprenuer’s responsibilities towards her coworker’s include


  • To establish and maintain relationships of trust and cooperation with co-workers.
  • To share resources and information with co-workers.
  • To support co-workers in meeting their professional needs and in their professional development.
  • To accord co-workers due recognition of professional achievement.


  • When the concern is about the professional behavior of a co-worker, the entrepreneur first let that person know of the concern and attempt to resolve the matter collegially.
  • Care should be taken by the entreprenuer in expressing views regarding the personal attributes or professional conduct of co-workers. Statements should be based on firsthand knowledge and relevant to the interests of children and programs.
Last modified: Saturday, 11 February 2012, 6:31 AM