HIV/AIDS and Protection: The fight against HIV/AIDS must include efforts to prevent child protection abuses which make children particularly vulnerable to the disease. For children orphaned or otherwise made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS, protection is a priority.
Worst forms of Child Labour: Many of the worst forms of child labour fuel the spread of HIV/AIDS as children are sexually exploited and trafficked for use in other ways (carriers, for substance abuse, messengers in conflict etc). Children from families and communities affected by HIV/AIDS are particularly vulnerable to these forms of exploitation
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: Protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation can play an important part in both ensuring the protection of children affected by HIV/AIDS and preventing infection amongst all young people.
Children without Parental Care: Children in HIV/AIDS affected families are particularly at risk of losing the care and protection of their families. Ensuring that they remain within the most appropriate family environment is important for their protection and well-being.
Children in conflict with the law: Reducing recourse to detention is a stated objective of HR instruments dealing with juvenile justice. This will also have the positive affect of reducing their vulnerability to infection, given the high rates of transmission.