Monitoring and reporting

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 5 : Existing Child Protection Programmes

Monitoring and reporting

  1. The extent of abuse, exploitation and violence against children is measured and reported. Effective monitoring system is in place to record the incidence and nature of protection abuses and failures. This information is channeled to inform policy and programming for appropriate response.
  2. Intersectoral collaboration for data collection on children, child protection.
  3. Independent oversight of police, judiciary, children’s institutions
  4. Independent structure for monitoring violations of child rights is available – Commission for Protection of Child Rights, 2005. Complaints mechanism is accessible to children.
  5. Mechanisms exist through government and civil society in emergencies and regular
    situations that collect data, advocate against, report and communicate on abuse, violence and exploitation.
  6. Tracking systems exist for children in need of special care/ difficult circumstances, for instance, missing children, child labour, children in institutional care and children available for adoptions.
Last modified: Monday, 13 February 2012, 8:16 AM