Principles of Adoption

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 24 : Adoption for Children

Principles of Adoption

  1. The agencies should attempt to place every adoptable child in a permanent home at an earliest possible age. In doing so, a careful study and investigation of the following should be made:
    1. The desires of the natural parent or parents desirous of placing the child for adoption.
    2. Safeguarding the rights of the natural parents in respect of such a child through skilled counseling, clarification alternative plans open to the natural parents or parent and assistance to the parent or parents in arriving at sound decisions.
    3. Protection of the identities of all parties concerned for the future well-being of those parties, in so far as law and court procedures permit.
    4. Maternal and paternal history of the child.
    5. Physical condition, mental and emotional characteristics of the child.

  2. The agencies should select adoptive parents with care and consideration, having in mind the best interest of the child and the adoptive parents, the methods of selection being based mainly on the following:
    1. Desire of the prospective parents to adopt.
    2. Good mental health and emotional balance.
    3. Physical traits, mental abilities and emotional characteristics of the adoptive parents which are compatible with those of the child to be adopted.
    4. Age approximating that of normal parenthood in relation to child's age.
    5. Sound physical health.
    6. Stable and happy married relationships.
    7. Religious faith of the child (or the child's natural parents) and the prospective parents.
    8. Economic stability and anticipated future security.

  3. The Agency's selection of adoptive parents should be based on the moral, physical, mental and emotional benefit of the child and not on the financial status, ability to pay fees, influence or any other extraneous consideration.

  4. The agencies should be aware of the seriousness of the responsibilities of placements and should entrust this work only to those who by training and experience have demons­trated their ability to evaluate constructively the circumstances of child placement and to make the necessary arrangements for mutually satisfactory placements. A decision should be neither forced nor hurried. It should follow probationary period of residence at least for six months before adoption is legalized.

  5. Child's best interests must be protected through the counselling and follow-up services of persons who also have demonstrated ability through professional training and expe­rience.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 11:49 AM