
Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 29 : Causes of Child Neglect and Abuse


Child abuse is a multidimensional phenomenon likely to be diverse in causation circumstances that tended to precipitate child abuse.

  1. Psychological rejection leading to repeated abuse and battering.
  2. Disciplinary measures taken in uncontrolled anger.
  3. Male babysitter acting out sadistic and sexual impulses in the mother’s temporary absence, at times under the influence of alcohol.
  4. Mentally or emotionally disturbed caretaker acting under mounting environmental stress.
  5. Misconduct and persistent behavioral a typicality of a child leading to his own abuse.
  6. Female babysitter abusing child during the mother’s temporary absence.
  7. Quarrel between caretakers, at times under the influence of alcohol.

Environmental conditions that contribute to child neglect and abuse often can be identified within a community’s system of social services. There can be lack of early case finding techniques, resulting in a pattern of providing social services only after a child is observed to be in an already dangerous situation, or when the care he or she is receiving finally reaches such a low level that it defies what a neighborhood or community can tolerate.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 November 2012, 11:23 PM