Trafficking for Labour

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 39 : Child Trafficking

Trafficking for Labour

Bonded labour, domestic work, hotels and small shops etc.: Children are often brought into employment by family, relatives and friends. While some of them are brought to work as "friendly gesture", there are times when these children are sold and trafficked. Very often it is the parents themselves who send their children for work,
sometimes in exchange for debt, thereby putting the child into bondage. Many children from poor, low caste families engaged in agricultural labour, work in bondage. Since domestic labour or labour in hotels and small shops do not fall under the category of hazardous occupations, very little attention gets focused on this sector. However, incidents of abuse and torture, even death of child domestic workers have been appearing in the news with increasing frequency and drawing attention to the fact that it is as "hazardous" as all those listed in the schedule of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.

Labour in Industry: within the country, children arc trafficked from one State to another to be employed in industries like carpet weaving, silk-reeling, fishing etc.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 7:26 AM