Types Of Stone Masonry

Basics in Building Construction 4(2+2)

Lesson 09 : Stone Masonry

Types Of Stone Masonry

Depending upon the quantum of surface dressing of stones used in masonry the stone masonry can be broadly divided into two basic categories namely.

  1. Rubble Masonry

    Incase of rubble masonry the stones received from the quarry are used without dressing. Only excess projections are removed with the help of hammers. Rubble masonry is an inferior type of masonry and produces less strength as compared to ashlar masonry. Rubble masonry consumes lot of mortar as the stones are irregular in shape. For good strength the following points should be observed while constructing rubble masonry.

    1. Only good quality of mortar should be used.
    2. The stones should be roughly dressed so as to maintain uniform course height.
    3. Through stones should be used at frequent intervals to have good bond between face and back.
    4. The hallow spaces should be thoroughly filled with mortar and stone chippings.
    5. Lacing courses should be laid at suitable intervals to afford strength.

    Types of rubble masonry
    Rubble masonry can be divided into the following categories:

  2. Ashilar Masonry

    Ashlar Masonry consists of stones neatly dressed to size and shape. This is costly type of masonry and requires skilled work-man-ship. Depending upon the degree of dressing ashlar masonry is sub-divided into the following types.

Last modified: Friday, 2 March 2012, 6:53 AM