Brick Manufactuturing

Basics in Building Construction 4(2+2)

Lesson 10 : Brick Masonry

Brick Manufactuturing

Bricks are manufactured by molding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform predetermined size, drying them and then burning them in a kiln. Clay is a plastic earth, constituted largely of sand and alumina with traces of chalk, iron, manganese dioxide etc. Good bricks should be thoroughly burnt so that they become hard and durable. Satisfactory burning of bricks is ascertained by a hard ringing sound emitted when two bricks are struck together. The bricks should be free from cracks, chips, and large particles of lime.

The strength of brick masonry chiefly depends upon
  1. quality of bricks
  2. quality of mortar
  3. method of bonding used.

Unbounded wall, even constructed with good quality bricks and good quality mortar has little strength and stability.

Brick masonry is preferred over other types of masonry because

  • All the bricks are of uniform size and shape, and hence they can be laid in any definite pattern.
  • Brick units are light in weight and small in size. Hence these can be easily handled by brick layers by hand.
  • Bricks do not need any dressing.
  • The art of brick laying can be understood very easily, and even unskilled masons can do the brick masonry. Stone masonry construction requires highly skilled masons.
  • Bricks are easily available at all sites, unlike stones which are available only at quarry sites. Due to this, they do not require transportation from long distances.
  • Ornamental work can be easily done with bricks.
  • Light partition walls and filler walls can be easily constructed in brick masonry.
Last modified: Friday, 2 March 2012, 10:25 AM