Connection is the place where two walls coming from different directions meet. The walls should be properly united at the connecting point through some proper bond. The following three requirements should be satisfied by the bond at the connection.
There should be no continuity in the vertical joints.
Use of brick bats should be as minimum as possible and
The connection should be structurally strong to resist differential settlement, if any.
Connections are of the following two types
Junction is that connection which is formed at the meeting of one (subsidiary) wall at same intermediate position of another wall. When both these walls meet at right angles, a tee – junction is formed. If the subsidiary wall crosses the main wall and continues beyond the junction, a cross function or intersection is formed. However, if the subsidiary wall meets the main wall at some intermediate point, and if the angles formed between the two is other than a right angle, a squint junction is formed.
Quoin is the connections which is formed when two external walls meet. Quoin is formed when a wall takes a turn. When the two walls meet at 900, a right angled or square quoin is formed. If the angle at the connection is other than 900 a squint quoin is formed.