
Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 15 : Consumer


A good deal of human effort and intelligence must be applied for making the money income of the family to secure maximum availability of goods and services required for the satisfaction of needs and wants of family members now and in future. The ultimate purpose of all productive activity is consumption and satisfaction of human wants.
In this context, the role of home maker as a marketing person for the family becomes more important. The welfare and happiness of the family is dependent on the person; who makes purchases for the family.
Everyone who spends money income to buy goods and services from the market is a buyer.
Every buyer who makes the use of goods and services and uses them for their livelihood is a consumer. Thus a consumer is one who spends his money income to buy goods and services and uses to live in good physical and mental well being.
In Consumer Protection Act, the word consumer has been defined separately for the purposes of goods and services.

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 11:44 AM