Functions Of Voluntary Organization At State Level

Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 21 : Important Consumer Organization

Functions Of Voluntary Organization At State Level

  1. Federation Of Consumer Organisations In Tamil Nadu (FEDCOT), Tamil Nadu:
  2. The Federation of Consumer Organizations of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, well known by its acronym, FEDCOT, is a nation-wide non-governmental organization. It is voluntary non-profitable, non-political, civic-minded, secular and registered under Societies Act (Registration Number 227/90) to work for the promotion and development of consumers' interest and their welfare. Freedom fighter R.R. Thalavai was responsible for the founding of the organization in 1990.

    • To strengthen the growth of the organized consumer movement in India.
    • To resolve consumer issues and educate on the rights and responsibilities of consumers. FEDCOT has been focusing its attention on Training, Research, Advocacy, Empowerment and Networking areas.
    Some Organizations come up with the novel idea of buying qualities product of everyday use at wholesale prices and selling them to the consumers at lower prices.
    Visaka Consumer Council (VCC) was formed in 1973 in Vishakhapatnam (AP). It is another pioneering consumer organization. It took up the plight of poor ration card holders and LPG gas user who need to stand in long queues because of irresponsible attitude of concerned authorities. It has succeeded in bringing about changes in the fair price shops and PDS.

  3. Mumbai Grahak Panchayat (MGP), Mumbai
  4. Mumbai Grahak Panchayat (MGP) is a registered voluntary consumer organization established in 1975.
    The Functions Are:

    • Supplies about 75 essential commodities at their door-step, every month. MGP's Consumer Protection Wing files a number of public interest petitions to protect consumers' interests.
    • MGP's Consumer Education Wing organizes consumer awareness camps, workshops, seminars for students and teachers.
    • MGP’ study and Research Wing undertakes consumer research and provides the base for launching various consumer interest campaigns. MGP also has a new Environment Wing which looks after matters of environmental interest.
    • In 1990, MGP was honored with the National Award (2nd) by the Government of India for its outstanding contribution to Consumer Protection.
  5. Grahak Panchayath(1979) in Jamashedpur,
  6. Akhil Bharathiya Grahak Panchayath (1972) Pune.
  7. ;During 80’s a large number of Consumer Organization were floated one of them was Jagrut Grahak in Baroda started in 1980 Includes
    -Consumer Forum 1980 in Udupi
    -Voluntary Organization in the Interest of Consumer Education
    –Delhi University Delhi (1983),
    -Consumer Action Group-Madras 1985.

  8. Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela (CPC), Orissa.
  9. The residents of the Rourkela Steel Township joined hands and formed the Consumer Protection Council, Rourkela, on 8th September 1985, to safeguard the consumer interests.

    1. The undertaking of promotion and development of consumer awareness and to prevent exploitation of consumers.

    In pursuance of the above object, to make available the benefits of its activities to the public generally without restricting the same only to the members of the Council.

  10. Consumer Education And Research Centre (CERC), Gujarat:
  11. Now known as Consumer Education and Research Society. CERC is a non profit, non government body, dedicated to the protection and promotion of consumer interests through active use of research, media, law, and advocacy and information dissemination. CERC is recognized as a research institute by the Government of India and as a consumer organization by the Government of Gujarat. It was started in January 1978 by Prof. Ramesh Bhatt, Prof. Manubhai Shah, Prof. K.G. Munshi and Prof. A.C.Brahmbhatt, all of them belonged to a Trust called the Foundation for Public Interest (FPI). The objective was to create awareness among consumers about their rights and initiate action that would help them protect them. The goals are

    • Ensure consumer safety against unsafe products and services through education, research, awareness campaign and dissemination of the findings of the comparative testing of consumer products and product information. Resolves individual complaints
    • Protect the environment
  12. Citizen Consumer And Civic Action Group (CAG), Chennai:
  13. `Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) is a non-profit, non-political and professional organization that works towards protecting citizens rights in consumer and environmental issues and promoting good governance processes including transparency, accountability and participatory decision-making.
    CAG came into existence on 7 October 1985 as a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, voluntary and professional citizens group based in Chennai, India. S. Govind, Swaminadhan, legal practitioner and former Advocate General of the State of Tamil Nadu, was the founding trustee of CAG.

  14. Consumer Guidance Society Of India (CGSI), Mumbai.
  15. The Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI) is a consumer rights
    Organization based in India. It was the earliest consumer organization in India, founded by nine women in 1966, and become the first to conduct formal product testing in 1977.

    • Complaint Redressal: CGSI handles consumer complaints and offers legal guidance to those wishing to file suits in the Consumer Court.
    • Product Testing: As early as 1977, CGSI established the facility of product testing. A food adulteration testing kit has been developed for use by the lay consumer.
    • Consumer Education For Schools/Colleges: CGSI's Education Committee members made efforts to introduce Consumer Education at the 9th Standard Level, by Maharashtra Education Board.
    • Consumer Education For Rural Consumers:
    • Publications: "Keemat"
    • National Award: In 1991, CGSI received the National Award for Consumer Protection in its 25th year for service to Consumers.
  16. Consumer Unity Of Trust Society (CUTS), Rajasthan. Jaipur
  17. CUTS International (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) began its journey in 1983 in Rajasthan, from a rural development communication initiative, a wall newspaper Gram Gadar (Village Revolution). The activities of CUTS, as a research, advocacy and networking organization working on several areas of public interest, are divided into:

    • Consumer protection,
    • Competition, investment and economic regulation,
    • Human development, and
    • Consumer safety.
  18. Karnataka Consumer Services Society, (KCSS), Bangalore.
  19. This was formed in the year 1970 in Bangalore. The main strength of KCSS was Mrs. Mandana who spread the word of the movement throughout the country especially among government circles at a time when the word 'Consumer' was not familiar to many. It organizes seminars on Consumer Education in schools and is represented on Prevention of Food and Drug Adulteration Committee and Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation.

  • There are about 88 Government Consumer Organizations and 211 Registered Consumer Organization in Karnataka. South Karnataka has highest number of voluntary Consumer Organizations (83 no) and North Karnataka has only 30 Voluntary Consumer Organizations. Bangalore has highest number of Registered Consumer Organizations. Consumer Organizations in 90’s saw the fulfillment of efforts towards unified approach.
    In 1990 Federation of consumer organization (Tamil Nadu) was established to bring together as many consumer groups as possible in the state.
    In 1992 Consumer groups of Gujrat joined hands to form a federation –Gujrat state Federation of Consumer organizations (GUSFEFCO).
    Now other states have Federations in Kerala, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh. Besides at the apex level there is a confederation of Indian Consumer Organization (CICO). New Delhi formed in 1991 and consumer Co-ordination Council (CCC) New Delhi formed in 1992. The main reasons for forming these apex bodies are networking of consumer groups to come together on consumer cause.

    Last modified: Thursday, 5 April 2012, 6:54 AM