Meaning Of Standardization

Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 28 :Standardization

Meaning Of Standardization

The function of standardization means the determination of the basic standards, measures or limits to the quality of different classes of products on the basis of a list of specifications. It is the process of determination of basic standards or measures of quality to which different products actually confirm to the established standards.
It is the process of determining the class or grades of a product on the basis of certain basic standards or measures of quality already decided upon.
Elements of standardization

The function of standardization comprises a number of elements. They are

  1. Standardization or standardizing (i.e. the setting up of the standards measures of quality to attain).
  2. Grading (i.e. the sorting out or classification of products in different classes, grades or lots) in accordance with the predetermined or established standards.
  3. Inspecting or inspection (i.e. inspection of the products to ensure that they have the required standards.)
  4. Labelling is putting some sign on the product or on the container to indicate the grade or quality of the product).
  1. Standardization: It means the determination of the basic standards for different grades of a product. Standard is a measure that is generally accepted or having a fixed value. It is established on the basis of predetermined physical characteristics of the product, such as size, color, appearance, chemical content, strength, shape, specific quality where ever it is bought.
  2. Grading: It is the process of sorting out the products into different grades of uniform quality, size, weight etc.
  3. Types of Grading: It may be done on the basis of fixed standards or varying standards.

    1. Fixed grading: It refers to the grading of goods according to a fixed standard. This type of grading is, generally followed in the case of products like wheat, cotton, dairy products etc.
    2. Variable grading: In this type the specifications to be taken into account for the purpose of grading are required to be varied or changed from year to year in accordance with the quality of goods coming to the market from year to year. This type generally followed in case of products like fruits, vegetable etc where quality varies from year to year.
  4. Inspection: it is the task of confirming the quality of each grade of a product. If standardization function is to be really effective, there should be some forms of inspection of goods.
  5. Labeling: label is anything, a piece of paper painted statements, imprinted metal, leather etc forming part of or attached to a product and giving some verbal information to the consumers about the products .It says the place of productions the name of the producer, content of the product, value of the product, price etc. The art of attaching or tagging the labels to the products for grade identification is called as labeling.

Significance of standardization function
Standardization Plays an Important Role In Marketing

  1. Standardization simplifies the purchase and sale of goods.
  2. The markets for standardized goods are widened. There is also a possibility of sale of graded goods by more description; buyers in distant market also can enter into exchange.
  3. It inspires confidence in the minds of consumers about the quality of goods.
  4. It enables the consumers to identify the specific features of the goods they buy.
  5. It contributes to the success of the sale efforts of the manufacturers.
  6. Advertising and salesmanship will be relatively easier and cheaper in the case of standardized goods than which are not standardized.
  7. Standardization simplifies the task of fixation of prices of goods.

Basis of standards
The fundamental characteristics of the production on the basis of which standards are established are known as the basis of standards.
There are different bases of standards. The most commonly used bases are quality, size and measurements, quality and color. Generally standards are determined on more than one basis
Eg: Food grains are standardized on the basis of weight and quality.

  1. Raw cotton is standardized on the basis of the color, length of the fibre and quality.
  2. Fruits are standardized on the basis of size, color and quality.

The important bases of standards may be grouped as

  1. Quantity standards
  2. Standards of size and measurement
  3. Quality standards
  1. Quantity standards:
  2. Many commodities are sold on the basis of quantity or weight. In case of such commodities, weights and measures have to be standardized . The quantity standards are prescribed and enforced by the government

  3. Standards of size and measurement:
  4. In the marketing of manufactured consumers goods like cloth, shoes etc and engineering goods like bolts, nuts, screws etc paper and forest products like timber, size and measurements are very important so, in case of such products size and measurements have to be standardized i.e size and measurement standards have to be established and maintained by the manufacturers or producers and these products or manufacturers produce these products in the standards size and measurements.

  5. Quality standards
  6. It is very difficult to establish quality standards . but for the purpose of standardization certain quality standards are required to be established and maintained . it is for this reason that many consumer goods like fruits, eggs etc are standardized on the basis of quality , colour, taste freshness etc.

Last modified: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 10:40 AM