Points to be considered while selecting Air Conditioning Systems

Fittings, Fixtures And Services 3(1+2)

Lesson 12 : Air conditioning

Points to be considered while selecting Air Conditioning Systems

Below are the points to be kept in mind while buying and selecting the air conditioner:

  1. Efficiency Ratings - A grade is the most efficient
  2. Noise - It is produced by the compressors and the heat exchangers. It is related to the efficiency of the conditioner. The more energy is used in the cooling process, more noise is produced. So in turn grade plays a vital role in noise factor in cooling system.
  3. Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) – They are the basic requirement for a heavy duty cooling and heating. They adjust the amount of cooling or heating required.
  4. Cooling / Heating – Setting of cooling / heating is combined set in air conditioners at a required temperature which is important to be considered.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 6:05 AM