Corridors start residents and visitors on their way-finding path. Adequate lighting and signage that makes sense is important here. Corridors can become spaces that tell stories.
Create a history of the home through photos.
Highlight recent activities.
If non-profit, use walls to showcase fundraising initiatives.
Showcase local students’ and residents’ artwork.
Make sure the corridors are functional too with non-slip flooring, grab bars, etc.
A consistent and well thought out system of way-finding helps to maintain the residents' dignity and avoid their disorientation. It should:
Use multiple cues from building elements, colors, texture, pattern, and artwork, as well as signage, to help residents understand where they are, what their destination is, and how to get there and back.
Identify frequently used destination spaces by architectural features and landmarks which can be seen from a distance, as well as symbols, signage, art, and elements such as fish tanks, birdcages, or greenery
Avoid prominent locations and high visibility of doors to spaces which patients should not enter
Use simple lettering and clear contrasts in signage
Clearly identify only those rooms that residents frequent
Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 9:00 AM