Family Decisions On Housing Choice

Housing And Space Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 05 : Housing Choice - Ownership Versus Renting

Family Decisions On Housing Choice

  • The family is a complex unit comprised of individuals with varied cognitive, emotional, and behavioral characteristics and abilities that can greatly affect family decision process for securing a place to live.
  • Families obviously consider both economic and noneconomic factors to make decisions.
  • Government taxation policy, depreciation, capital gains and losses, and present worth analysis, buy versus lease analysis play a big role in housing decision.
  • The type of house that a family chooses for living is influenced by the family decision, location of residence, building design, space organization, and affordability by the family.
  • It may opt to live in an independent house, a semi-detached house or duplex with a common wall between two houses having separate entrances.
  • It has a option to live in a home either owned or rented.
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 6:35 AM