History of The Development of Apparel Industry, Organizational of Apparel Industries

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 6 : History Of Textile Industry

History of The Development of Apparel Industry, Organizational of Apparel Industries

The apparel and textile industry occupies a unique and important place in India. One of the earliest industries to come into existence in the country, the sector accounts for 14% of the total Industrial production, 30% of the total exports and is the second largest employment creator after agriculture.

The apparel and textile industry caters to one of the most basic requirements of people and holds importance; maintaining the prolonged growth for improved quality of life. The sector has a unique position as a self-reliant industry, from the production of raw materials to the delivery of end products, with considerable value-addition at every stage of processing. Over the years, the sector has proved to be a major contributor to the nations' economy.

Its immense potential for generation of employment opportunities in the industrial, agricultural, organized and decentralized sectors & rural and urban areas, especially for women and the disadvantaged is noteworthy.

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 6:24 AM