Minimum standards for health and safety are laid down by the Factories Act together with various orders from the Ministry relating specifically to different branches of the textile and apparel industry from time to time. It is probably true, however, that today it is only in the small firms, with their limited resources, that the statutory minimum conditions are found. The medium and large concerns provide a working environment that is frequently infinitely superior, and the old hazards to health caused by the technical processes, hot humid atmosphere, and fly and dust are now controlled by scientific ventilation and dust-extraction.
In the provision of medical facilities, the textile and apparel industry does not differ from others. In the smaller units, such services are limited to the statutory inspection of young people and the provision of elementary first aid for minor accidents and illnesses. In larger firms, it is usual to find a central medical department in the charge of a qualified nurse, or nurses where more than one shift is worked. A doctor may attend part-time; full-time medical officers are rare in the industry. These centres are well equipped, undertake the full range of first aid, advise on health, and maintain health and accident records. Some firms support or share the services in reputed hospitals. In Indian context ESI hospitals provide excellent medical services to the employees of all industries supported by the industry as well as by the worker. In fact it is compulsory that all workers become the members of ESI.