Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 37 : Computer Integrated Manufacture (Cim)

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

CIM is an umbrella term for the total integration of product design and engineering, process planning, and manufacturing by means of complex computer systems. “Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is a management philosophy in which the functions of design and manufacturing are rationalized and coordinated using computer, communication, and information technologies” according to Bedworth et al. (1991).

It takes advantage of computer software and hardware, synthetically uses modern managing technology, manufacturing technology, information technology, automatic technology, system engineering technology, and it integrates organically the three relative factors of Person, Technology, Running Management in the whole process of enterprise’s production, as well as information flow and material flow, and runs them optimally, to make service excellent, bring products to market timely, and realize product’s high quality, low cost, so that enterprises will win the market competition”.

CIM Objectives

  • Simplify production processes and product designs.
  • Automates production processes with computers,machines, and robots
  • Integrate all production and support processes usingcomputer networks and other information technologies
  • The primary objectives of CIM are to improve service tocustomers, increase flexibility, boost productivity andsustain profitable operations.
Last modified: Monday, 28 May 2012, 12:17 PM